Therefore, if you are using Mendeley Cite with Mendeley Reference Manager, make sure you regularly back up your document manually, as it will not be automatically saving to your One Drive if you are not signed in to Office365.
A workaround is to sign out of MS Word, then install the add-in however, if you sign back in later you will be prohibited from using Mendeley Cite. Mendeley Cite can only be installed via the Microsoft Store within MS Word, but if you are signed in to Word with your UoW account you will be blocked from installing any add-ins.
Your word processor - Mendeley Cite-O-Matic (for use with Mendeley Desktop) can be installed via the Tools tab within the software, and can be used whilst signed in to MS Word with your UoW Office365 account. What functionality requirements you have - Currently, Mendeley Desktop has better functionality than Mendeley Reference Manager, but you can download the latest beta release of Reference Manager for the newest updates (typically released weekly). However, Mendeley allows you to import other citation styles to your Mendeley library. MENDELEY CITATION STYLE MAC OS
Your operating system - Mendeley Desktop is not compatible with Mac OS 10.14 or later. Which product you should choose to use will depend on the following factors: If your preferred citation style does not appear in the list, then select the More Styles. Mendeley Reference Manager works with Mendeley Cite plugin only. You can easily change the citation style in your Word document: Go to the References tab in your Word document, and in the Mendeley Cite-O-Matic panel, select your preferred style from the Style: drop-down list. MENDELEY CITATION STYLE FULL
Mendeley Reference Manager - the new product which is still under development, so does not yet have full functionality. How do Mendeley document types and fields map to their Citation Style Language (CSL) equivalents Last updated on SeptemClick the Mendeley Desktop document type to see the CSL document type and fields mapping.
Do not edit the in-text citation or the bibliography in your document because you will lose your changes when the document syncs with your Mendeley Reference Manager. Mendeley Desktop works with Mendeley Cite-O-Matic plugin only. If your citation style does not require you to repeat the authors last names in the parenthetical in-text citation, you can manually override the citation in the Mendeley Cite add-in.
Mendeley Desktop- the old product which has full functionality although is no longer being updated, and will eventually be decommissioned (with all users moved on to the new product). Consequently, there are two different software products currently available: From the References tab in Mendeley Cite select the reference (s) you wish to insert, and select ‘Insert citation’. Position your cursor where you want to insert a citation in your document. Mendeley is currently undergoing a transition period. Once installed, Mendeley Cite can be accessed via the References tab on the Ribbon in Word.